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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Nolte: CNN Pre-emptively Says Biden Speech ‘Eviscerates Trump’

Far-left CNN claimed Joe Biden “eviscerated” President Trump hours before the aging Democrat had even delivered the speech in question.

Based only on a “leaked” (wink-wink) copy of a speech Biden is scheduled to give in Iowa Tuesday, the ratings and ethically challenged CNN could hardly contain its venomous glee with a chyron that breathlessly read: “Breaking News: Biden to Eviscerate Trump In Iowa Speech Today.”

The fake news outlet’s disastrous morning show New Day, one of the lowest-rated shows in all of cable television, presented Biden’s speech as a turning point in a campaign where… Democrats have been attacking Trump 24/7 for months now.



  1. Biden will cure cancer.

  2. CNN will help him cure cancer.

  3. The only person Biden evisorates is himself.

  4. Man, that is a BIG word Joe; wonder if he knows what "eviscerates" means. For that matter wonder if CNN knows????

  5. After over 40 years in government with no private sector job or business experience, Biden should be able to “eviscerate” anyone and everything. LOL

  6. Cure cancer caused by windmills


  7. IIRC, CNN called the '48 election for Dewey, and had Creepy Joe walking away with the nomination in '88 and 08'. Change my mind!


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