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Saturday, June 01, 2019

Mueller Tried to Entrap Trump

Robert Mueller knew there was no collusion the first time he read the Steele dossier, which reads as if it was written by a high school sophomore who spent most of his time huffing inhalants behind the gym. “Hey Dude, let’s get some more gas at the Lukoil…”

At the latest, the indictment of 12 Russians on 02/16/2018 should have been the end of his “collusion” investigation. Why did Mueller keep going? To entrap the president into obstructing justice, of course.

Mueller had a plan. He would use his witchhunt to anger the president enough that he would try to stop the investigation and if he didn’t, compile as much information that could be painted as obstruction for his report, which could then be used as a template for impeachment, where the threshold is lower because the House decides what are “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Attorney General William Barr put a stop to that.



  1. And if they can do it to a Presidential candidate, they can do it to you.

  2. What slime. What is 8t with these people. Do they really think the American people are stupid. I guess that's why they want open borders. Votes from people who don't know any better.


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