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Friday, June 07, 2019

MSNBC Anchor Corrects ‘Pro-Life’ to ‘Anti-Abortion’

MSNBC anchor Kasie Hunt caught herself favorably describing pro-life Democrats Thursday, stopping herself mid-sentence to call them "anti-abortion" instead.

On air Thursday, she remarked at the totality of the Democrat Party's embrace of abortion. "This has been something that has been part of Catholic Democrat orthodoxy for many many years," she said. Now, however, that coalition is "all but extinct."

In describing the shift, she described the disappearance of "pro-life—or anti-abortion Democrats, I should say," she said, jumping to correct herself.

Discussing the issue with Juana Summers of the Associated Press, Hunt noted that Democrats had long supported the Hyde Amendment. The 1976 legislation prohibits restricts federal funds going toward abortion procedures.


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