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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Montgomery County authorities observe violent marijuana-related trend

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Md. — A Montgomery County jury found a Silver Spring man guilty of murder Tuesday for his role in a violent drug deal.

Kairee Dorsey had been accused of shooting Andrew Turner, 18, of Germantown, in December 2017.

Montgomery County State's Attorney John McCarthy said Dorsey and another man went to Turner's house to buy marijuana. However, McCarthy said Dorsey original intention was to kill Turner and steal all of his drugs.

"This is another example of a drug deal regarding marijuana gone bad," he said.



  1. Montgomery County State's Attorney John McCarthy said "The problem with the marijuana being dispensed so far is that one - it is expensive," he said. "And, two - it's not very good." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA

    Not very good? NOT VERY GOOD? The medical grade weed being sold at dispensaries is TOP OF THE LINE!

    He is right that medical weed is still expensive. Black Market Weed is priced the way it is because of all the risk not because its hard to grow or distribute. Growing weed is not free or trouble free but it is far from expensive or a hassle. It is well worth the effort.

    Furthermore we are not talking about Johnny pot dealer who has a job and is either; a) just making extra cash or b) is just selling so he can smoke for free. These are career drug dealers who will protect their stake. They will also rob other drug dealers.

    These are crimes that would happen anyway. When a criminal needs money he is not going to go get a part-time job. He is going to do what criminals do. Rob somebody. Kudos to the crooks for keeping their horse play in house and not bothering the citizenry as a whole. We need more sensible crooks like this.

    Legalize weed and stop being such greedy overlords.

  2. No honor among thieves, or in this case druggies.

  3. No matter what the subject matter, there is always some slime ball that's going to take yours ($) rather than earn their own.

  4. And just another reason to take the drug trade away from the illegal traffickers, and make it legalized, taxable sales by the state.


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