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Saturday, June 22, 2019

Member of Polish Parliament invites AOC to visit former Nazi concentration camps

A member of Poland's Parliament wrote an open letter to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Thursday, inviting her to visit the sites of Nazi concentration camps in his country.

In his letter, Dominik Tarczyński extended an “olive branch of education” to the New York Democrat, giving her a brief history of the Nazi occupation of Poland and expressing his “distress” about the congresswoman's comparison of concentration camps to U.S. facilities.

“This is why when someone cheapens the history, or uses it for political point-scoring, we become agitated and upset,” Tarczyński wrote. “I understand that there are heightened tensions in your politics right now, but I would urge severe caution in attempting to leverage phrases such as 'concentration camp' for political ends. It will lead nowhere good.”



  1. Don't bother. AOC is little more than a low life Hispanic sourced low life with NO real world education. Just send her a box of Cracker Jak's and she'll be entertained for days. Not sure how she found a source for personal money gain but she did. Maybe she'll just go away.

  2. The Holocaust Museum is only a few blocks from her DC office. A guided tour could easily be arranged and her questions answered by a professional and perhaps by a representative of the Polish Embassy.

  3. She wouldn't be able to find Poland if someone did not take her by the hand.

  4. AOC said she already knows how to play Concentration, she has watched the game on TV and also played the home version from Parker Brothers.

  5. Gen. Eisenhower ordered the filming and photographs of camps as they were liberated. A one hour documentary called NAZI CONCENTRATION CAMPS.
    Thomas Dodd, one of the US prosecutors introduced the film into evidence November 29, 1945. When the lights came up after the screening people had a new understandung of what concetration camp REALLY meant.

  6. Yet Roosevelt, Stalin, nor Churchill ever once mentioned a death or extermination camp. The Jews were being rounded up and deported. That's all.


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