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Sunday, June 09, 2019

MDP Chair Statement on Virginia Beach Shooting

Maryland Democratic Party Chair Dr. Maya Rockeymoore Cummings: "My heart breaks for the victims of this brutal attack. Unfortunately, the senseless slaughter of men, women, and children has become common place in our society. We have to do more to keep guns out of the hands of mentally unstable people. And we have to connect everyone— young and old— to the mental health services they need before they become violent.

I applaud the work of our Democratic legislators who fought to eliminate the gun permit review board, which regularly overturns the permit denials of unfit gun owners. Overturning the governor's veto of this bill in the 2020 legislative session is an important step Democrats can take to help prevent tragedies like the Virginia Beach shooting from happening in our communities."


  1. RIGHT, taking away the ability of people to defend themselves.

  2. That is the only reason why this is in VA right now, for their gun laws, you will see this shit is false flags...

  3. Wish I could understand the English of this post??

  4. This was a gun free zone

  5. She would want this, since she is another Democrat criminal, which refuses to turn over financial records of her business and non-profit organization. She has violated the law and should be prosecuted on tax evasion at the least.

  6. The word is "commonplace", Maya, not "common place."

  7. Idiot does not understand that they are causing these events. And when they have successfully removed guns from stores, then death by knives and trucks will start here just as it has in Europe.

  8. None of this matters. Law, threat, whatever. The Shore will not be disarmed and any who try will be eliminated as a threat to our freedom. There is no need to continue to talk and go back and forth. Gun ownership is not up for debate here. What they do in X place is on them. We need only worry about our county.

  9. Notice how they stepped right up to deflect that he was a big doner and supporter of the Democratic party.


  10. Both Cummings and her husband are empty barrels; make a lot of noise but void of content.

  11. 98%+ of mass shootings happened in gun free zones. It's time everyone use the 2nd Amendment as written.

  12. Yet neither of them do a darned thing about all the gun violence in the county and city that thay have run for years. Where are they to help their fellow brothers and sisters? They do not care this is all about stirring the pot to keep themselves in power and to line their bank accounts!

  13. Northwest Woodsman: Gun violence is largely an ethnic problem. Do some minimal research and open your eyes and you will understand what I mean.

  14. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 4, 2019 at 10:20 PM

    I guess being a "wife" of Elijah "Slimey Loudmouth" Cummings, the lifelong Democrats from D.C.Swamp makes Maya expert on Gun crimes in Virginia. Pardon me, is she campaigning for seat in Virginia or Maryland? This shooting happened in Gun Free Zone, yet again. So, dear Maya now wants to ban all the guns from law abiding citizens. Another loudmouth Democ-rat blowing smoke in every direction with no common sense. What else is new?

  15. Doctor?? In what?? African studies??

  16. Is it true that this guy was a black Muslim?


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