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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Maine House rejects National Popular Vote bill

Maine’s House is now opposing a proposal to join states pledging to award Electoral College tallies to the national popular vote winner in presidential elections.

The bill received push-back in a 68-79 vote Monday in the House.

That vote’s not enough to join the National Vote Interstate Compact. The agreement would only kick in when enough states join to reach 270 electoral votes.

Some Democrats in Maine’s House have flipped back and forth on supporting the bill.



  1. Best web development company for Ecommerce and other Business Websites.

  2. Good for you all, but give it time, they will keep pushing and they will get it in the end, they always do...

  3. Render the Electoral College moot and chip away at state rights.


  4. Small states are chief beneficiaries of the foresight of the Framers in designing the Electoral College. Then and now larger states have very little interest in the welfare or opinions of the smaller states.


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