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Saturday, June 08, 2019

London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises

LONDON (Reuters) - London police investigated more murders than their New York counterparts did over the last two months, statistics show, as the British capital’s mayor vowed to fight a “violent scourge” on the streets.

There were 15 murders in London in February against 14 in New York, according to London’s Metropolitan Police Service and the New York Police Department. For March, 22 murders were investigated in London, with 21 reports in New York.

In the latest bloodshed, a 17-year-old girl died on Monday after she was found with gunshot wounds in Tottenham, north London, a day after a man was fatally stabbed in south London.



  1. Sahdick Kahn loves this .

    1. They do love cutting heads off and it's going to get worse.

  2. London is overrun with muslims and they're the ones stabbing everybody.


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