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Friday, June 14, 2019

Limbaugh: Here's Why Trump Should Start Going To California

Rush Limbaugh offered a piece of counterintuitive advice to Donald Trump on his radio program Tuesday: "Go to California, Mr. President."

"I made a brilliant observation yesterday about the Democrats in California," said Limbaugh (transcript via RushLimbaugh.com). "Democrats in LA are appalled that homelessness in their city is rising and so much of it, and they’re mad that the Democrat candidates for president are not talking about it. And I told the people of LA (and I’ll do it again today), 'The Democrats are not gonna talk about your problems. They already own you! They don’t need to fix a damn thing in California.'"

Democrats know every election cycle that they will get all of California's electoral votes and the dominance of the Democratic Party in the state means that Republicans effectively "don't exist" on the Left Coast.



  1. Democrats own the voters in California couldn’t be more spot on and that’s why they don’t care what they complain about.

  2. President Trump, listen to Rush, he's absolutely right.

  3. I agree get there Donald.

  4. I spent years aiding the homeless,and finally concluded that they had to help themselves before anyone could help them.I am a die hard Rush fan,and he means well,but these homeless people are a different breed nationwide.Until you've worked with them you don't know the hopelessness.

  5. Just go away Rush. Vacation with G.Gordon Liddy and Newt on fantasy important people in their own minds Island.

    1. Awwww little lib dirtbag Should take a vacation to NK.

  6. I thought Rush retired, or died? Haven't heard his name in a while.

  7. Democrats won't talk about California's problems so it seems to me that leaves the door wide open for Republicans. A few California rallies might not be a bad idea Mr. President.


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