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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Let this sink in.

Every single Democrat on stage thinks American taxpayers should foot the bill for illegal immigrants to have healthcare.

Republican Party of Virginia
All Democrats raised their hands for giving millions of illegal aliens unlimited healthcare. What about the citizens of our country? How about taking care of American Citizens first! Game Over Democrats! #LEADRIGHT


  1. Republicans should really push the issue of Americans first on everything. We need to take care of our American citizens before we can take care of anyone else.

  2. What a defining moment! Just goes to show these loons don't care a whit about the homeless or disadvantaged in this country; they are merely pawns. The two nights of "debates" were simply posturing, pandering, and BS! One has to wonder if the DNC provided the shills in the audience who hooted at the outrageous claims by the socialists on stage. Hickenlooper, Yang, and Delaney seemed to be the most rational toward policy. Harris keeps scratching at the scab of racial inequality and will use it non stop; someone needs to tell her Obama has already been there done that. As to climate change, someone admitted the U.S. contributes 15% of the world's pollution, how the heck is anyone going to change China, India, et al to conform? With regard to detente and diplomacy someone needs to remind them Obama already tried the apology tour also; it is obvious a hard line (sanctions and tariffs)are what get results. My assessment, Trump has no worries in 2020.

  3. And not ONE American Flag anywhere!

  4. Their not trying to appeal to the tax payer whom theyre supposed to represent, theyre taking care of law breakers. These so called reps are not only violating their oath of office and the constitution, but they are openly stating they will violate the law concerning the voting process by getting illegal votes. These people are treasonous against the US and We The People. Lock them ALL UP!!!!

  5. With regard to income equality...and I am not referring to gender pay inequality; women should earn as much as a man for the same type work, period. However, should a person who lacks skills or motivation to do anything other than flip burgers or ask "do you want fries with that" earn as much as a software designer or a chemical engineer or an airline pilot? Should someone who refuses to labor in a steel mill or department store or manufacturing plant but opt to be idle and collect "entitlements" earn any respect in our society? The debate candidates are blowing smoke up our collective rectums with the promise of better jobs and higher wages. That is why manufacturing has left the U.S. you dolts, China pays pennies for labor and you want minimum of $15hour to flip burgers. Harries decried some are working 2 to 3 jobs to survive; someone educate her, when one does not have skill sets that is the bane.

  6. You would think the DNC could provide at least one American flag to be displayed during the Democratic debate, but that would be insulting to their voters.

  7. America First - that is why Donald Trump will WIN again in 2020. Americans want their government to look out for their interests and not the worlds.
    What a stupid, arrogant, foolish group of politicians.


  8. Easy solution: Lower Congressional pay to minimum wage, or raise minimum wage to Congressional level. /sarc

    1. 8:29 I agree with your first solution

  9. Anyone who receives government handouts should not have a vote

  10. The election of Trump after the dems tried to steal the election has just shown how the will of the American people has stopped the world government that the dems were trying to create. We will never have another president as good as Donald Trump has been and one day I'm afraid that the left will get its wish. Just listen to what they believe in and you'll know what I say is true.

  11. DemocRATs are the new Domestic Terrorists to AMERICA.

  12. What's up with Joe sticking his finger up whenever the moderator asked for a show of hands? Does that mean yes,no,or by doing this he can reverse his decision later if need be?

  13. Americans already foot the bill! Hospitals provide care regardless. Who do you think ends up paying, whether its through taxes or increasee cost. Better to get all folks covered and treated early. And how about we just stop all the nonsense and get the system streamlinee ao folks can show up, get a background check, and come on legally

  14. Let em talk and they'll hang themselves one by one. Or as Pigman says, "Let Em Eat".

  15. A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.They stood up there and told us that what more does someone need to not vote for them?

  16. TAKE 200 MILLION private insurance away and tax the middle class to pay for free health care for ILLEGALS .... BRILLIANT.

  17. and take a good look at that stage. not a single American flag to be seen. And they want to "represent" us?


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