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Saturday, June 29, 2019

Kamala Harris throws Joe Biden's candidacy into crisis with ferocious attack

Democrats debating Thursday in the second installment of a two-night slugfest split on how far the United States should drift toward socialism and listened with unhinged jaws as the roster's lone black member ripped into former Vice President Joe Biden over his history on race.

California Sen Kamala Harris stepped into the spotlight by roasting Biden for his recent nostalgia about a pair of segregationist Democratic senators, and lambasted him for opposing federal intervention decades ago to desegregate America's schools through forced busing.

President Donald Trump, 13 time zones away, watched as all 10 rivals agreed that future health care systems should cover illegal immigrants – and declared that he has already won re-election, tweeting later that it was 'not a good day for Sleepy Joe or Crazy Bernie'.

The President said: 'I am in Japan at the G-20, representing our Country well, but I heard it was not a good day for Sleepy Joe or Crazy Bernie. One is exhausted, the other is nuts - so what’s the big deal?'



  1. When is someone going to ask her about her affair with Willie Brown - that allowed her to get ahead in politics...or is that a low blow?!

  2. Ironically kamala is the only descendent of slave OWNERS on stage... she never mentioned that or that she moved to CANADA at the age of 10. Moved back to California after GRADUATION OF HIGH SCHOOL in CANADA.

  3. Typical race baiter!! The Democratic party can't even get along with each other how the hell can you trust them to lead this country ever again??

  4. Booker, Harris and Hawaii will be in the primary’s. Everyone else are white.

  5. Ok so creepy Joe is a racis and Harris is a whore
    Great start dems


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