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Monday, June 17, 2019

Judge Tosses Lawsuit of Former Campaign Staffer Alva Johnson Who Accused Candidate Trump of Kissing Her

In February Alva Johnson, 43, a former staffer to Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign claimed candidate Trump kissed her without consent at a small gathering just before a Florida rally, an encounter she says still haunts her and causes her anguish.

Ms. Johnson appeared on fake news MSNBC in February and cried as she recalled her traumatic encounter with Donald Trump.

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes spoke to Alva Johnson Tuesday evening and she broke down in tears as she recounted how she felt after the Billy Bush tape was released.

” So when I heard the audio (Billy Bush tape) I was screaming in my car, I’m like ‘oh my God that exactly what he did to me.'”



  1. And she took the story to MS-LSD. Now her story loses all credibility with me...

  2. Sobbing she said “If they give me some money I might feel a lot better”

  3. All of those witnesses seem to have disappeared.

  4. Northwest Woodsman: My god! She should be thankful that anyone would want to get that close to her. One look at her and I seriously doubt that this incident ever occurred.

  5. I've been kissed without official written permission before and it was awesome! What is the complaint?


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