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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

John Delaney Gets His 15 Minutes of Fame with “Medicare for All” Squabble

Standing out in the Democratic Presidential field, which at last count has hit the number 23, takes quite a bit of doing. One way is in succeeding in getting Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, (Soc.-NY) to tweet about your candidacy.

Former Maryland Congressman John Delaney accomplished this feat as a result of telling a convention of California Democrats: “Medicare for all may sound good but it’s actually not good policy nor is it good politics. We shouldn’t kick 150 million Americans off of their health care.”

The California Democrats responded to Delaney’s heresy with a full sixty seconds of booing. (A minute may well be nearly as much face time as any individual candidate can expect in the Democratic Party’s upcoming debates.)


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