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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Joe Biden: If I’m Elected President, ‘We’re Going to Cure Cancer’

Former Vice President Joe Biden made a campaign promise to “cure” cancer if elected president in 2020 during an event in the state of Iowa on Monday afternoon.

“I’ve worked so hard in my career, that I promise you, if I’m elected president you’re gonna see the single most important thing that changes America, we’re gonna cure cancer,” Biden told supporters in Ottumwa.

More miracles here


  1. What he means:
    The government and corporations it represents will stop giving cancer to the public.

    My opinion:
    Biden is lying. Again.

  2. Perhaps he means he will stop letting big pharmaceutical companies decide what gets funding and what doesn't? Why would they want to cure a disease they make a killing off of? Have we learned nothing from these billionaire opiate families making a killing off getting America addicted?

    1. exactly..the american cancer society has been colecting money for decades..and no cure yet..why because its a gravy train

  3. I cannot stop laughing.....

  4. Democrats cant even close the border with numerous diseases coming in but they are going to cure cancer. People like Biden are a cancer to our values, freedom and culture. He has been leeching off the taxpayer for 44 years like most democrats the only work they are doing is enriching himself and donors at our expense!

  5. He must own a lot of Pharma stocks.

  6. I guess since Al Gore invented the Internet Biden had to find another cause célèbre....

  7. Democrats feel us deplorables are the cancer so they will get rid of us.

  8. I'm sure this in a large part is because of the loss of his son Beau, and I can appreciate he would like to see all cancers cured. However it is not that simple, and there are remissions but you can't cure all forms of cancer. He is desperate to win the presidency but I hope he doesn't win, he doesn't exactly stay on track. He is for one thing one day and the opposite the next his time is over. Just sit and relax Joe and enjoy a long retirement.

  9. Well, there's a "promise" he can't keep. Trump keeps his promises. All Biden can do is play the same old political promises game. He is a tired old politician. No new tricks in his bag.

  10. This man is senile!!!!


  11. Most have lost friends or relatives to some form of cancer by the time they hit age 21. His son's disease was unfortunate, but due to his father's prominence he surely had the best of care.

    Those with a few brain cells still operating will readily recall that Zero charged Slow Joe to whip cancer when he was VP. With that mandate from his boss in hand and in the second highest job in the land, Joe proceeded to do squat to beat cancer but stayed busy sniffing women's hair and pawing young girls.

  12. Now Joe's son is finished banging his brothers wife and now is re married to another woman he met within a MONTH such a great family.

  13. He is cancer to AMERICA.

  14. I'm surprised he didn't say cure herpes.

  15. And people will actually believe him too
    That's the scary thing about it

  16. The cancer received from windmills???

  17. Stay tuned, this guy and his campaign staff are going to blow it big time.

  18. I thought he was supposed to have done that when he was VP.

  19. CBD cures ALL !!!! LOL as long as it is TAXED !!!! LOL

  20. Maybe he could cure it now and save millions of lives before election. Maybe he forgot he was VP and did nothing to cure cancer.

  21. You couldn't cure a runny nose or hangnail.

  22. Way too much money being made treating it, Joe.

  23. Please- if he ends up running against Trump as the Democratic candidate let's not forget "he will find a cure for cancer.". Can he find a cure for his over sexed son.

  24. Maybe he should find a cure for Hair Sniffing!

  25. Trump is the bigger Democrat in the race. He certainly does not support Republican ideas

  26. He is cancer. So does that mean we’ll finally see the last of sleazy Joe Biden ?

  27. The real Cancer we need cured is Biden living out the remainder of his life quietly and I mean back woods quiet.

  28. This Obama Leftover is long FINISHED !!!! See Ya !!!! LOL


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