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Monday, June 17, 2019

Illegal Aliens Sue Border Patrol. The Lawsuit's Outcome Can Have Massive Implications.

The crisis along America's southern border has continued to exasperate Border Patrol agents in the field and President Donald Trump, who is attempting to put an end to the flood of illegal aliens. Seven illegal aliens from Central American countries are suing the Department of Homeland Security because of overcrowding in Border Patrol facilities and the lack of access to legal representation, The Monitor reported.

The lawsuit was brought about by:

• Jairo Alexander Gonzalez Recinos – El Salvador
• Gerardo Henrique Herrera Rivera – El Salvador
• Kevin Eduardo Rizzo Ruano – Guatemala
• Jonathan Fernando Beltran Rizzo – Guatemala
• Enerly Melitza Ramos – Guatemala
• Karen Vanessa Borjas Zuniga – Honduras
• Julia Elizabeth Molina Lopez – Honduras

According to the lawsuit, the illegal aliens want themselves, as well as others in the facilities, to be released on bond.



  1. Liberal Traitor scum judges will approve it.

  2. Yea right never to be seen again

  3. "Illegals" have no right to sue anyone
    End of conversation

  4. Is this a joke???

  5. And Soros is probably the main funder! Get these POS out of our Country!

  6. Send them back to their country and send Soros the bill. If he will not pay he has assets in the US to seize.

  7. Northwest Woodsman: They are not entitled to anything including food and shelter. They are ILLEGAL! Please U.S. Government, pull your heads out and do the right thing.

  8. How can someone who is ILLEGAL file a law suit? they have ZERO rights here. OMG! Who is schooling these ILLEGALS? When I enter a country LEGALLY, I am to abide by their laws, their rules, not walk in and file a law suit. WOW!


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