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Sunday, June 09, 2019

HUGE! Investigation Into Ilhan Omar Reveals Alleged Fraudulent Tax Returns Linked to Marriage to Her Brother

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) was ordered to pay a $500 civil fine for violating campaign finance law.

Omar had to pay an additional $3,469 fine for improperly used campaign funds.

But the investigation into Ilhan Omar and the findings released by the Minnesota Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board reveal something even more serious.

It appears Ilhan Omar may filed fraudulent federal and state tax returns.

Michelle Malkin immediately jumped into the fray and called Ilhan Omar out on her fraudulent marriage to her brother and how she filed joint tax returns with a man who she was not married to.

“Things that make you go hmmm: Read this closely and keep in mind that Ilhan Omar was legally married to Ahmed Elmi from 2009-2017 while also filing joint tax returns with Ahmed Hirsi in 2014 and 2015. Time to get federal IRS officials involved,” Malkin said.



  1. Of course something should be done, but forget it, nothing will happen .

  2. Married to 2 people? Why that’s another deduction. She should amended returns for a larger refund.

  3. Time to get this fradulent POS out of Congress.

  4. This doesn't make me go hmmm, it makes me go HMMMM.

  5. It's been public knowledge that she was married to her brother for years, yet she was elected. Is this something that Somali Muslims do?
    Well, it isn't something that's allowed by law here.

  6. A simple background check should have eliminated her from the candidate field.

  7. They were afraid to eliminate her. They forget that they're in the US and should be following US laws, but then again we allow them that courtesy. I don't understand, nor will I ever. Why is almost everyone on here anonymous?

  8. No one is above the Law, according to the Democrats. Another Democrat breaks the law and not locked up or kicked out of Congress on ethics violation. Pelosi where are you now? Covering up for another Democrat?

  9. Wasn't Income tax fraud the downfall of Al Capone when nothing else would stick? Sounds like she should be indicted to me.

  10. This muslim P.O.S. used the marriage to her brother to obtain citizenship.
    Her citizenship should be stripped and she should be deported!

  11. Keiheja....almost everybody anonymous? i guess you are a wooden indian in a antique store? or in other words you are anonymous. Pot meet kettle.

  12. This can't be true! I didn't hear it anywhere on CNN, NBC, ABC or CBS.

  13. ENOUGH is enough. This terrorist needs to be jailed. The ENTIRE Somalia community need to be eradicated. ASAP.

  14. All in the Family > must be related to Biden !!!! LOL LOL

  15. Brother & Sister getting it on !!!!! LOL

  16. Biden likes her !!!! She can be his Vice Pres !!!!!

  17. Family Pervs !!!!! LOL


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