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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Homeland Security Chief Tells Congress the Border Crisis Is ‘Unlike Anything We’ve Seen’

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan appeared before a Senate committee Tuesday and reiterated his requests for Congress to help fix the border crisis.

“It’s been over 18 months since the administration asked for the legislative fixes that would’ve prevented the current crisis, and 40 days since we asked for the emergency funding necessary to manage it,” McAleenan told members of the Senate Judiciary Committee during his opening remarks.

The Department of Homeland Security chief then broke down how the border crisis has only escalated since those requests were made.

“In the last 40 days, 60,000 children have entered into DHS custody—both unaccompanied and as part of family units. Last month, as you noted, Mr. Chairman, we encountered a modern record 144,000 border crossers, a record day of over 5,800 border crossings in a single 24-hour period, and the largest single group [ever] apprehended at our border—1,036 individuals,” McAleenan said.



  1. Mr Macalean doesn’t seem to realize all those people represent mouths to feed and arms to be vaccinated by the corporations that rule the US.

  2. Democrats will continue to ignore and thumb their noses. They are the enemy of my country and will not stop until she is destroyed, invaded and overthrown...

  3. 7:56 Agree, totally!

  4. Nothing to see here folks,...move along, signed, Democrats.

  5. They are coming here in record numbers because they are afraid that Trump is going to build the wall and stop them from entering our country ILLEGALLY. He should also go after those who hire these criminals as it is a crime for them to hire these people and they know it. I have video and photos to prove who has hired them around here.

  6. A heard that a roofer around here had video of them working for him in their commercials and when it was commented that they were doing so, suddenly the commercials stopped and new ones were on t v without the illegals. After they said they did not have illegals. I think it's too late with that evidence out there.

  7. Just finished reading an article about a bunch of illegals that have been found infected with measles and small pox. Those are the ones they caught. How many got past them? That's what is causing the outbreaks of diseases here in America. And it is the democrats that are to blame for it. Hope no ones child here in this area gets those diseases. They could possibly die from them. And if you're a democrat, we do not want to here a peep out of you if it happens to you. You and your party are to blame for this crap coming into America.


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