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Saturday, June 15, 2019

Hey, Joe Biden! Here Are Some Scandals You Forgot

"Know what I was most proud of?" presidential candidate Joe Biden told a crowd on Wednesday. "For eight years, there wasn't one single hint of a scandal or a lie."

In an era where every presidential tweet is an existential threat to democracy, there are probably plenty of people who believe this myth. Off the bat, though, it should be mentioned that even liberal fact-checking outfit PolitiFact once awarded Barack Obama the "Lie of Year" for misleading the American people about his technocratic health care plan.

Obama's most famous lie, of course, upturned millions of lives. Without it, it's doubtful Obamacare -- which was perhaps the only wholly partisan national reform effort in American history -- would ever have passed. Even with a stream of falsehoods, the bill had to be shoehorned through Congress. Media did a lot of heavy lifting for the administration in those heady days.



  1. Biden is the perfect example of the swamp. What people see in him is beyond me. I do know as a Floridian, Biden sure loves Florida - you should see his Mansion on the water. He just wants to be the ONE to beat Trump. Never happen.

  2. Biden not going anywhere people


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