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Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Harris Applauds Emphasis On Hazard Evaluation of Offshore Wind

WASHINGTON, DC: On Tuesday, June 4th, Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) applauded the Appropriations Committee for including his language in the FY 2020 Transportation Appropriations Bill. The Harris provision will highlight potential air traffic hazards created by the impact of offshore wind turbines on radar. The Committee included the following language:

“Wind Turbine-Radar Interference Mitigation Working Group –The FAA is a member of the Wind Turbine-Radar Interference Mitigation Working Group, which also includes the Departments of Defense and Energy and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This collaborative work is expected to be completed in 2025. The Committee encourages the working group, including the FAA, to complete the work as expeditiously as possible and provide periodic updates to the Committee.”

Rep. Harris made the following statement:

“I thank the committee for adopting my language to highlight potential hazards created by the impact of offshore wind turbines on air traffic radar. We must ensure the safety of aviation near offshore wind turbines.”


  1. BS language made by people too lazy to actually become educated on the issue.

  2. Another excuse to delay the offshore windmills for the wealthy condo owners and visitors of Ocean City

  3. There are bigger issues than radar with the scam scheme of wind power.
    It is not green
    It is a farce
    It is just a scheme of stealing large amounts of taxpayer dollars.
    Get educated.

  4. Worthless Congressman. Nice job lobbying for foreign and out-of-state petroleum interests instead of the environment and jobs in your district.

  5. Anyone who actually "gets educated" on the issue of wind farms will soon learn the truth that as 10:53 stated they are a farce.
    Wind energy cannot realistically be any more than 20% of the power supply or you tend to get grid instability.
    Wind power requires huge amounts of real estate and it needs to be where the power demand is located. The further away from the power load the more inefficient it becomes.
    Wherever you have wind power, you need stand by conventional generation on standby, a very inefficient way to provide power.
    Wind turbines never pay for themselves in their lifetimes as they require large amount of maintenance and repair, and typically run at about 25% output on average.
    Look at other countries that went all in with wind ten years ago and are now slowly backing away from it after costing utility subscribers huge amounts of money.
    Wherever the greenie watermelons promise cheap wind power, the electric rates skyrocket!


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