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Friday, June 07, 2019

Grade Schoolers Forced to Watch Teacher’s Transgender Coming-Out Video

Over the past decade here at Fox News I have been documenting how radical sex and gender revolutionaries have taken over our public school system.

It is a central theme in my upcoming book – Culture Jihad – How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation.

Militant activists have been given access to your child’s classroom — and you should be very alarmed at what they are teaching America’s next generation.

And that brings us to Madison, Wisconsin – Frank Allis Elementary School. A science teacher recently announced that he was transition from male to female.

Liberty Counsel – a religious liberty law firm – identified the teacher as Mark Busenbark. He now goes by the name Vica Steel.

The school made every student watch a video of Mr. Busenbark celebrating and explaining his transgender coming out. Now I want you to understand something — Mr. Busenbark broadcast that creepy video with the blessing of the school’s principal.



  1. Biology deniers.

  2. What does this person think is the definition of "woman" or "female"?

  3. While my gay balls trans-brother bashes Christian's on Facebook, when he's not posting scary monster selfies, my family expects me to conform to his dilution and call him Annah. He wears a wig, stuffs his bra, wears a dress, and speaks using a fake high pitched voice that will clear a room in seconds. I saw him once after he came out. I was polite, had lunch, and told mom that she will never see the both of us together again. I don't support people's mental disorders, and she shouldn't either. Having problems with alcohol, I asked why she wouldn't keep buy me liquor to support my "mental disorder".

  4. SICK--Judgement day is NEAR

  5. 9:37 why don't you ask them instead of bashing them through the internet?

  6. Childhood is confusing enough. Just let the kids think it's a weird lady man or whatever. They really don't need to know all the warped details.

    1. bring the circus backJune 7, 2019 at 8:11 PM


      as kids we saw FREAKS dressed up as woman

      in the CIRCUS SHOWS

  7. I agree with 12:54 PM, to each his own. I don't believe they should have made the children watch this video though. If EVERY parent ok'd it, then that's fine, it's their children, but parents should have been aware of it. For those who are ignorant, it's not a mental situation. Bashing doesn't help either. Try walking in another person's shoes one time before spewing hate. AGAIN...everyone is anonymous...WHY???

  8. I would have made the tranny watch me vomit on his/her/its desk and chair and said it was an act of God.

  9. Soros Soros soros


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