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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Gillibrand: Being Pro-Life Should Basically Be Unacceptable Like Racism, Anti-Semitism

Perhaps desperate to score some political points amongst the progressive base in hopes of boosting her ranking from dead-last in the presidential primary, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) told the Des Moines Register today "there's some issues that have such moral clarity that we have as a society decided that the other side is not acceptable" and hinted abortion now falls in that category.

As first reported by the Washington Free Beacon, Sen. Gillibrand told the Iowa newspaper, "Imagine saying that it's okay to appoint a judge who's racist or anti-Semitic or homophobic. Asking someone to appoint someone who takes away basic human rights of any group of people in America—I don't think that those are political issues anymore."

She then continued saying, "And we believe in this country in the separation of church and state, and I respect the rights of every American to hold their religious beliefs true to themselves, but our country and our Constitution has always demanded that we have a separation of church and state."



  1. Supporting the murder of babies should make you complicit in their deaths and allow yo to be prosecuted for the crimes of genocide.

  2. Seriously? Is she deranged? And she’s a Catholic? She has kids for gosh sakes; how many did she abort?

  3. Dead last.
    No wonder.
    Hopefully she will learn something from all this eventually and just sit down and shut up.
    Or maybe not.

  4. You cant be Catholic and pro choice.

    She is a sicko.

  5. How Should A Woman View Her Body and the Preborn Life Growing in Her Womb?

    "Behold, children are a gift of the LORD; the fruit of the womb is a reward" (Psalm 127:3, NASV).

    "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, NKJV).

  6. How many jails do we have to build and how much welfare and health care do we have to dole out to these ill conceived and unwanted lives ? I can see raising a little happy rolly polly moonfaced clownish adorable Downe's Syndrome child. They are sterile and don't live that long but why are we so consumed with the fruit of the loins of the lost and irresponsible. It's not a human trait we should perpetuate. We did not get to the top of the food chain and conquering the natural world dragging along weak and leaching life.
    If we were not so clever and adaptable in God's garden many of these lives would have been spontaneously aborted in our own toil to survive.
    I wonder how many pro-life women have good paying jobs that have lactating lounges for them to pump and actually breast feed or could not be bothered.

  7. Pro life. I think the words say it all. And her attitude , and beliefs say it all. She's deranged.


  8. Dumb, venal and shifty; what's not to like?


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