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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Fitton: FBI Notes on Clinton Emails Go Missing

Given the FBI’s repeated intransigence over the years in responding to our FOIA requests, I’m not of a mind to assume this story represents simply an innocent mistake.

The FBI has released 277 pages of redacted records that show the FBI failed to produce information from an August 2015 meeting with Intelligence Community Inspector General about Hillary Clinton’s email server. The FBI claimed that notes are “missing” and the CD containing notes from meeting is likely “damaged” irreparably.

The records, which were posted on the FBI’s website, are the 32nd release of documents in response to our 2016 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:16-cv-02046). We filed the lawsuit after the Justice Department failed to comply with a July 7, 2016, FOIA request for:

All FD-302 forms prepared pursuant to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server during her tenure.
All records of communications between any agent, employee, or representative of the Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding, concerning, or related to the aforementioned investigation. This request includes, but is not limited to, any related communications with any official, employee, or representative of the Department of Justice, the Executive Office of the President, the Democratic National Committee, and/or the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.
All records related to the meeting between Attorney General Lynch and former President Bill Clinton on June 27, 2016.

Included in the documents are February 2019 FBI electronic communications documenting the damaged CD and the missing notes from the August 3, 2015, meeting between FBI special agents and the ICIG about Clinton’s server:



  1. The FBI has long been compromised and is no longer the protector of America. This is very sad for those of us who once held them in high regard.

  2. Thought the Democrats state over and over nobody is above the law. This proves another lie. Only if you are a Democrat can you violate the law and National Security and not be punished. Where is Pelosi, Cummings, Nadler, Schiff, Cardin and Van Hollen?

  3. Lost all respect for the fbi 3 years ago, they are as crooked as the democratic party

  4. Of course More Cover-up !!!! Demon-crats get Free Pass


  5. Those with access need to be coming over to DOJ HQ for grilling. Start with the small fry.

  6. The records were wiped clean "like with a cloth".


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