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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Fire White House adviser Kellyanne Conway, federal watchdog recommends

WASHINGTON — A federal watchdog agency on Thursday recommended that White House counselor Kellyanne Conway be fired for repeatedly violating a law that limits certain political activities of federal employees.

The U.S. Office of Special Counsel, which is unrelated to special counsel Robert Mueller's office, said Conway is a "repeat offender" of the Hatch Act by disparaging Democratic presidential candidates while speaking in her official capacity during television interviews and on social media.

Conway told reporters who encountered her in the White House press office, "I have no reaction."

White House spokesman Steven Groves called the watchdog agency's decision "unprecedented" and "deeply flawed" and said it violated Conway's constitutional rights to free speech and due process.



  1. I would fire her for her husband's outspoken hatred for President Trump.

    1. I would too! She has become a tool of the left.

  2. Hope she does not not get Sander's job now that she's leaving. Sanders was no beauty but at least she did not look like a Tranny.

  3. Hilarious! She's the best and the Left can't stand the heat!

    Hey, LOOK!

    There goes Hillary...

    "He STOLE it from me! AAAIIIEEEEEEEE!"

  4. Obama didn't fire Julian Castro for his Hatch Act violations. In fact, the fool Julian parlayed that into running for President in 2020.


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