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Friday, June 07, 2019

Easton PD Press Release 6-6-19


  1. "Mr." Andre Lamont Price Jefferson? "Mr."? Dude is a thug of the first water and doesn't deserve any title of respect other than maybe prisoner 12345.

  2. Another reason I don't go to the gym. Until Md residents demand their right to carry a firearm, these punks have nothing to fear. Mr. Cassidy will now qualify to get his carry permit, but it's a little late.

  3. 10:58
    The picture is below the press release.

  4. Piece of garbage thinks because he killed someone, now he is a straight up gangsta. No, your just a piece of garbage on the side of the road.

  5. He killed an 72 year old man? Wow, what a tough guy. Slime ball.


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