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Saturday, June 15, 2019

Department of Transportation manager fired, allegedly committed time & attendance fraud

BALTIMORE, MD (WBFF) — A Department of Transportation manager was fired after allegedly committing time and attendance fraud.

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) conducted an investigation after a report stated the manger frequently arrived late for work while reporting normal work hours on his timesheet.

Officials also say during the investigation they were able to confirm the manager drove for a ride-sharing service during work hours.

Though the manager denied it, the Office of the Inspector General was able to find four separate days in which he drove for a ride-sharing service while reporting normal work hours for Baltimore City.



  1. Ripping off the taxpayers. Nice...

  2. Northwest Woodsman: Demonstrating lack of ability to foresee consequences. Again proving my 85% rule and that is conservative.

  3. Will there be criminal charges?

  4. That's a no 11:07

  5. Finally, some municipal employees being held accountable.

  6. How about when the same thing was being done in Salisbury? Anybody check into that? Everyone else knew it.


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