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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Democrat Cummings Brings Wife’s Clients Before His Committee

Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings (MD), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, is facing accusations that he is using his position in Congress to financially benefit his wife, whose charity may have gained "illegal private benefit" from his committee activities.

Cummings' wife, Maya Rockeymoore, is the chairman of the Maryland Democrat Party and she "runs two entities, a nonprofit group called the Center for Global Policy Solutions and a for-profit consulting firm called Global Policy Solutions, LLC, whose operations appear to have overlapped, according to the IRS complaint filed by watchdog group the National Legal and Policy Center," The Washington Examiner reported, adding that Rockeymoore's charity "received millions from special interest groups and corporations that had business before her husband’s committee and could have been used illegally."

One of Global Policy Solutions' clients is AARP, which testified before Cummings' committee earlier this year on the prices of prescription drugs after Cummings cited an AARP analysis.

"Current prescription price trends are simply not sustainable," Catherine Alicia Georges, AARP’s national volunteer president told the House Oversight and Reform Committee in January. "Drug companies are working hard to try to shift the blame to others in the health care system, leaving them free to set incredibly high prices and increase them with little restraint."

AARP, which sells insurance, has launched a new campaign, "Stop Rx Greed," that aims to drive down the cost of prescription drugs by pushing for artificial government price controls on prescription drug prices.



  1. Man, these a$$holes always start charities and $hit, to make money. Clintons were the best at it.

  2. Another one who needs investigated by a special counsel and should face impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors. Of course Elijah has the race card in his hip pocket just waiting to cry foul.

  3. Maryland loves these kind of people. Maryland sucks! Hoping I can move out of state soon.

  4. Can we bring McConnell's wife to testimony?

  5. Too bad Republicans are spineless. NO BALLS to do ANYTHING. How much evidence do they need??

  6. I told you that Elijah Cummings wife was benefiting from his position. Now just follower her foundations money from her husband's campaign reports and you will see the final connection. I bet this doesn't come out. Just like Diane Feinstein's husband receiving 100 million dollar contract by using his wife's position in congress. How long will this continue to go on?


  7. AARP = Charter member of the swamp.


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