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Thursday, June 20, 2019

Defense attorneys release video of Georgia officers using stun gun on 87-year-old woman

CHATSWORTH, Georgia (WTVC) - Defense attorneys for an 87-year-old Syrian refugee have released police bodycam video of an incident that made national headlines last August.

Chatsworth Police arrested Martha Al-Bishara after officers said she would not drop a knife that she was holding. Officers eventually used a stun gun on Al-Bishara, who did not speak English and was unable to understand the officer's commands.

Al-Bishara and her husband are immigrants from Syria who have been living in Chatsworth for the past 20 years.

On Aug. 10, 2018, officers responded to a 911 call about a woman with a knife on the property of the Boys and Girls Club.



  1. Been in the United States for 20 years and still can't speak any English. WTF


    2. Just what I was thinking 1:40

  2. Life is hard
    learn English if you are going to live here
    Holding a knife at a youth club ?
    What should they have done
    Now they know what drop the knife sounds like in English
    Next test please

  3. Northwest Woodsman: I’m sure there is more to this story. I fully support the cops on this. I don’t care how old she is, I still wouldn’t want to get stabbed by her. She is lucky she didn’t get three rounds center of mass. Another highly assimilated migrant who cares not for this country, only the benefits that she is able,to scam. Anyone want to bet she is on some sort of public assistance?

  4. 1:40am beat me to it.

    I had a Spanish speaking (bi-lingual) employee working for me several years ago. USUALLY the immigrants can speak English, but choose not to when it wasn't convenient.

  5. Justified to shoot her , cops don't ask how old people are before they shoot.

  6. Her defense attorneys are as dumb as their client is.

  7. In OUR country and never took the time to learn English. They come here and live the way they want and not assimilate to our culture. They were no where near interested in becoming a citizen of America. Just to live off of our sacrifices. To cowardly to fight for themselves. Go somewhere others have fought for THEIR rights. And of course the officers will get the blame for this just like everything else.


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