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Friday, June 07, 2019

D.C. Gay Pride March Bans Israeli Flags, Allows Palestinian Ones

A Washington gay pride parade is banning participants from brandishing Israeli flags, Israeli pride flags, or any "pro-Israel paraphernalia" during its event on Friday.

Yael Horowitz, a Jewish organizer of the D.C. Dyke March, said organizers had decided to ban "nationalist symbols," including flags and banners that represent "nations that have specific oppressive tendencies."

Palestinian flags would be allowed, however, the Forward reported. It was unclear if this was a tacit acknowledgment of Palestinians not having a true state. It was also unclear if organizers were aware of the lack of LGBT protections for gay Palestinians, including the illegality of male homosexual conduct in the Gaza Strip.



  1. Lol do they realize that if palistine takes over AMERICA the gays would be the first to be thrown off buildings .

  2. Who cares. Why is LGBTQ getting so much attention? They make spectacles of themselves with their "rainbow" attire; something unhinged in the brain pan.

  3. I liked gays back in the day when they weren't all in your face...

    1. 99% wanted to stay in the closet it's the QRSTUVWXYZ Crowd that are the dirtbags.

  4. Ignorance is bliss!! These idiots don't even know the beliefs of those they support. If Allah and the Muslim culture are allowed gays will all be destroyed

  5. these people are STUPID

  6. Didn't Palestine harbor Bin Laden? Am I right?

  7. When the radical Muslims come a hunting for gay blood the Liberals can throw there pink hats at em ?

  8. So much for diversity and inclusiveness...But then it seems gays seem to have fits of drama over everything.

  9. So how does the weenie DeBlasio explain that?

  10. I'm 100% pro Palestine, but if I show up with a Israeli flag what exactly is anyone going to do about it?

    1. Attack you physically while the police turn their backs and can truly say they saw 'nossing' just like Sgrt Shultz in Hogan's Heroes! So go for it, be sure your insurance premiums are paid up!!


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