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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Councilman Larry Dodd In Recovery

In case you are wondering I am home and just now getting my vision back without it being blurry or seeing double vision. Thank you to everyone who visited, emailed, called or texted, it meant a lot. Thanks to Marc Kilmer for taking me home. I had enough of the hospital and didn't want to stay any longer or go to rehab.

What you read in the news or on the blog is nowhere near the truth. Not one person contacted me for the truth and somewhat made up a story. It can also be considered Fake News. Interesting how someone was quick to leak the information. I'm limited at what I can say because of an ongoing investigation, but I do want to thank the men and women of the Salisbury Police Department for investigating the attack and locking that low life up. Thanks to Chief Deputy Gary Baker for visiting me in the ER and offering the assistance of the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office and the C.A.T. team.

Anyway, Hope everyone has an awesome Fathers Day.


  1. Gary is a class act.

  2. Yes Larry, just like you seek the truth with all your gossip and rumors. That eye does not stop you from anonymously typing, degrading people, and spreading fake news. What are you complaining about, again?

    1. Okay Larry, reality is slow sinking in.

  3. Ignore blog posts and get well soon.

  4. I seen it all. It’s lucky a gun dint come out.

  5. Believe he simply didn’t have enough ass to back his mouth this time.

  6. I would have put the attacker in a Chinese finger lock until authorities arrived.

  7. We will expect a 180 from you in the future.

  8. Gary Baker offering the WCSO CAT team for what? The guy is already in custody.

  9. Dems setting up DODD.

  10. Who brought the bat?

  11. Poor Larry.
    Another swing and a miss.

    All sbynews told ya was that Larry was in the hospital due to an altercation, which was true.

    Then Larry says no one reached out to him to get the truth, but he can't tell you anything even if asked.

    Such a sad state of born-here drama.

    Speedy Recovery

    1. 7:04 What does born-here have to do with it, you must have liked this area and its people when you first visited or you wouldn't have moved here. It's the come-heres like you that are changing things for the worse.

  12. Who is the attacker

  13. What happened? I musta missed something

  14. It's outta here, HOME RUN!! Oh wait a minute, excuse us we reported this wrong that wasn't a home run that was Larry's head!! You should have left the bat and fought like a man Dodd

  15. Aww wittle Ryan's got his panties in a twist again. The boy is psycho!

  16. @7:04 you said it, BORN HERE DRAMA!! He's been around the other idiots on the county council CANNON, HOLLOWAY and let's not forget Mayor Day. What a group of drama queens. Just caught day on PAC 14 doing an interview about addiction. Well who would be more qualified than one of the biggest drunks in Salisbury?

  17. June 17, 2019 at 10:14 AM

    Ha ha ha.
    What have "I" changed for the worse?

    All the "changes" that have taken place were either voted on or enacted by you "born here's".

    All those "changes" were suggested by YOUR LOCAL YOKEL government of "born here's"

    What do "born here's" have to do with it? They formed the culture of this gossipy "peyton place" village of nosiness.

    You all brought it on yourselves and then whine about it when it lands on your plate and you are the topic of conversation.

    I must have liked it when I visited? No, I had to transfer for a job. The ONLY redeeming quality was the beach. No culture, no real places to eat, no real shopping. But lots of crime and drugs. Whoo hoo.

    1. 12:01 You come-heres brought the crime with you. "only redeeming quality was the beach" (was) is exactly right. You come-heres have screwed the beach up so bad none of the locals care to go there anymore. Thanks for moving here with your job and when you get transferred again don't let the door hit you in the ass.

  18. Foreigner:" that double vision gets the best of me" - "seeing double double". Larry there comes a time in a man's life when it's a safer bet to step back and let law enforcement do their jobs!!

  19. @12:01 I'm not a "born" here but lived here the majority of my life and I agree 110%. The local band of idiots are nothing short of lying drunken thieves. They've screwed the taxpayers out of millions. The area was a great place to live at one time but like you stated it's nothing but a low income drug infested crime riddled city. There's no future for the up and coming unless you're in the medical field or you work for some type of government entities. Let's not even discuss the construction field because the contractors don't hire anything but immigrants. We can thank Cannon, Day, Dunn, and the biggest snake in the wood pile Blair rinnier and LARMAR CORPORATION. They are ALL local born here assbiters that sold the city out for their own personal agenda

  20. Is Larry denying that he showed up at the "attacker's" house with a baseball bat, looking for a fight? LOL.

  21. June 17, 2019 at 7:27 PM

    Oh the laughs just keep rolling in.

    I didn't bring any crime here.
    But YOUR politicians did. Ya know the BORN HERE POLITICIANS that allowed the prison to be built.

    Those BORN HERE POLITICIANS and their BORN HERE CONTRACTING FRIENDS who worked the systems and brought all the SECTION 8 HOUSING to this shithole.

    None of this is contributed to anyone who "came here for a job"

    You mention OC? Well seems their "BORN HERE POLITICIANS" are also at fault for what goes on in OC. They did the advertising, they turned the place in to a circus freak show with all their development seeking out the big $$$. All the bars ......

    Just another small town idiot shooting the messenger because the truth is too ugly to acknowledge.

    All you BORN HERE'S that were too lazy to vote, to lazy to get involved. Every single one of you are the reason all of this happened or is happening. You created this.

    No stranger who was transplanted here for a job had anything to do with any of this.

    And believe me, when it is time to get out of this shithole I will be moving too fast for the door to even get close to me. The village of crime, drugs, ghetto trash, lazy ass, gossiping, small mindedness will just be an ugly distant memory.

  22. June 17, 2019 at 7:27 PM

    All the press releases of the recently arrested are Smallsburys finest born here's.

    How come you don't see all these come heres arrested?

    All the crime is born and bred here.
    Fake ghetto wanna be gangsters.

  23. June 17, 2019 at 7:27 PM

    Screwed the beach up so bad?
    What screwed the beach up was the traffic and the cost of parking.

    That is the fault of the local politicians.

  24. Come on man ! The Meow Team sits and watches drug rehab facilities then stops vehicles at a later date to make arrest. They do not do investigations. More Mike Lewis b.s. Gary is a good guy but why offer up help when the suspect is in custody. Mikey must have been out of town again or he would have been there with reporters in tow. Dodd is a smart ass at times. We will never know the whole truth hell it is Wicomico County.


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