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Friday, June 21, 2019

Cleveland Clinic performs its first fetal surgery to repair spina bifida

Surgeons at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio say a baby girl was born healthy after undergoing the hospital's first-ever fetal surgery for spina bifida. The operation repaired the child's spinal birth defect while she was still in her mother's womb.

The team of doctors performed the surgery in February, when the fetus was at 23 weeks gestation. The baby girl was delivered via caesarean section on June 3. Both mother and daughter are doing well after the surgery, Cleveland Clinic says in a statement on their website.

Dr. Darrell Cass, director of fetal surgery at Cleveland Clinic's Fetal Center, led the multispecialty team. Cass has performed more than 160 fetal surgeries for other conditions since 2002. The team prepared for this surgery for more than a year, by visiting other centers, conducting simulations and consulting with other experts in the field. The procedure was pioneered by surgeons at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.



  1. Science is incredible! Way to go!

  2. But wait????? I thought it wasn't a baby???? Or human but just a group of cells. Oh the hypocrisy

  3. What 2:38 said! Either it's a baby or it's not. Personally, I think it's a human life.

  4. Oh wow! Amazing!!

  5. And to think Ben Carson, a brain surgeron (a black man) performs brain surgery on babies still in the wound is also amazing. I mention a black man because the Democrats seem to think that Black people are not smart enough to acheive greatness. That we have to pay them restitution for slavery. For suppression - not Dr Ben Carson. A great black man.


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