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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

‘Case for Reparations’ Author Praises Warren: ‘I Think She Means It’

Ta-Nehisi Coates, the author of “The Case for Reparations,” praised Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) in the New Yorker on Monday as a 2020 Democrat who is not just giving “lip service on reparations,” revealing that Warren had asked him about five years ago to have a conversation about his reparations piece.

When asked if he would take some Democrats “more seriously than others when they talk about reparations,” Coates replied: “Yeah, I think Elizabeth Warren is probably serious.”

“I think she means it. I mean—I guess it will break a little news—after ‘The Case for Reparations’ came out, she just asked me to come and talk one on one with her about it,” Coates continued. “She had read it. She was deeply serious, and she had questions. And it wasn’t, like, Will you do X, Y, and Z for me? It wasn’t, like, I’m trying to demonstrate I’m serious. I have not heard from her since, either, by the way.”



  1. If that ever happens citizens will have to stick together and stop paying taxes.

    1. Good luck trying not to pay taxes!! They have a steel got and three shitty meals waiting for you

  2. Everybody wants "reparation" for something. Now you have first responders of the 9/11 terrorist attack wants reparation using different language. A whole loy of BS.

  3. First get the countries that sold them into slavery in the first place to pay up.

  4. If they gave every black person in America who was related to a slave $100,00 it wouldn't matter the white majority would have it in about a year.

  5. Since Africans sold other Africans into slavery, why shouldnt the Africans be the ones paying reparations?


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