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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Butt-edge-edge: Ban Voter ID Laws

Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg (D) on Tuesday called for voter ID laws to be banned as part of his plan to “safeguard democracy” for black Americans.

In an op-ed for the Charleston Chronicle, Buttigieg called for a “21st Century Voting Rights Act” becuse “cynicism” about the political “is nowhere more warranted than in the Black community, where systematic efforts are taking away the right to vote.”

“This means banning practices like voter ID laws and ensuring that potentially discriminatory changes to voting laws first be reviewed by the Department of Justice,” Buttigieg wrote. “We are not a true democracy if certain Americans are restricted from voting because one party has decided they would be better off if fewer people vote.”

Buttigieg wrote his op-ed ahead of next week’s BET Black Economic Alliance Forum and called for a “Douglas Plan for Black America” that also includes “reducing sentencing disparities,” bridging the wealth gap between black and white Americans, and encouraging “greater economic security within the Black community.”

“A week from now, our nation will celebrate Juneteenth. It marks the day when enslaved Black people in Texas learned–almost two years after the fact–that the Emancipation Proclamation had rendered them free people.



  1. Stupidest thing I have heard from one of these clowns in ten minutes!

    It takes the same ID to buy alcohol, cigarettes, drive a car, and use food stamps!


  3. He should speak in Saudi Arabia.

  4. Blacks are insulted by this bs.
    What an insult

  5. Dems are the new Domestic Terrorists to AMERICA.

  6. In order to enter the NAACP annual convention a government issued photo ID is required. Just sayin'...

  7. OH my God ! What will be throw in
    our faces next.
    America is going " down the drain!"

  8. Another Democrat idiot who knows nothing about what he is saying. Voter ID laws should be mandated then we will know who voted is a legal American citizen that is allowed to vote legally.

  9. looks like Mr Bean

  10. Then why show an ID for booze? Just let anyone buy it.

  11. Some people simply wake up wondering why they have a penis. Unfortunately we can't help those.

  12. How about a rump-ranger ID so the decent people can steer clear of these scum bags

  13. Every time a liberal democrat says it disenfranchises blacks when you have voter I'd laws, insults African American citizens by the millions.
    When are blacks going to step up and tell these politicians that they are black - not stupid. It's INSULTING to an entire race of citizens.
    I will give $100 to the first person who van find someone who is a citizen and unable to get a valid I.d.

  14. This Mad magazine lookin' a$$hole's not going anywhere either. Hahaha!

  15. I can see it now president Buttgeeeeeee holding hands with his husband going up Airforce 1 steps maybe he would repaint AF1 PINK.THINK ABOUT IT.

  16. Northwest Woodsman: Lets see, if I want to travel on an airline, collect welfare, get free health care, get section 8 housing, drive a car, cash my welfare check, pick up a prescription, rent a car, I would need an ID. I don’t see any issue or inconvenience with requiring ID when I walk into a polling place to vote. Please tell me what the problem is so I can whine and complain that they are trying to disenfranchise me.

  17. Another talking head playing the dems political games by chanting their talking points. Another power hungry politician.


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