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Sunday, June 09, 2019

Body In The Water? 6-4-19

We have received calls this morning about a body being pulled from the water in the area of Carroll Street.  We will know more if there is a press release.


  1. Another person chased into the river by criminal thugs ?

  2. Someone said he jumped into the water running from the police. Guess we will never know.

  3. Could have used some railings around there to prevent this...

    1. Yup but fake day would rather spend $$$$ on murials and gay events.

    2. The thug would have jumped the rail

  4. June 4, 2019 at 9:08 AM
    To hell with safety. The Mayor says they don't look pretty.... and everyone else is doing it.

    Isn't there an old saying, you don't have to jump off the bridge just because your stupid friends are doing it.

    Guess Jake didn't learn that one.

    No chain link fences, and no safety railings for you

  5. No the police chased him into the river . Keep the negative comments to yaself .

    1. 10:55 Or he jumped in to avoid the police. It’s all in how you look at it🤷‍♀️

    2. Yaself ? Pretty sure that’s not a word in the English language. Ebonics maybe ? It’s your self by the way.

    3. Make way for the Grammar Nazi worried about a slang word. YASELF ahahaha you should SLAP YOSELF!

    4. Actually it's "yourself"
      If you're going to correct someone 1:02, correct them properly

  6. We never got any word on the body found in the water near the City Festival when the Festival was in progress. I doubt you will hear anything on this one either puts a bad light on having a festival and tourism! Yeah what tourism? The fence that was torn down might have saved both lives. It needs to be put back ASAP EVEN IF ITS SEE THROUGH AS LONG AS IT HAS GOOD SUPPORT. Again no attention paid to the Homeland Security Advice of last year.

  7. Was going to testify against the Clinton's....

  8. BTW, does anyone know the amount fake day is spending on the Gay events? it's your tax dollars after all.

  9. @ 10:55

    The Police "CHASED" him into the river. Which means he was RUNNING from the Police for
    a Reason.....

  10. 10:55 it was his choice to jump in the river. The police didnt push him in! Stop blaming the wrong people!

  11. I heard the dispatch. Central said it involved the Sheriff's Deputies so they were chasing a criminal thug.

  12. Did the Fire Boat respond... Oh wait, look at the picture above, the Salisbury Fire Boat is in Dry Dock.

  13. Top story on the WMDT website.
    What a horrible way to die!
    Polluted river with many floaters in the picture!

  14. It's funny how it is the top story on the WMDT website, but not one mention on the WBOC website?

    Oh, I forgot, WBOC is Delaware's news leader even though their main broadcasting station is near the WICOMICO river!!!!!!

    Good job WBOC for serving your local community!!!

  15. Funny how you all blame this young man's death on a lack of railings and not your beloved police officers.

    1. Maybe the “young man” should have chosen NOT to run but deal with the consequences!

    2. 3:28pm how is it the fault of the police? This hoodlum ran from the police and voluntarily went into the water in an attempt to elude.

  16. @3:28 the police did not push him into the water! That was his choice ... and if he couldn't swim it was a mighty STUPID DECISION to JUMP IN THE WATER!!!! Not the police fault!

  17. According to police, at around 2 a.m., a deputy stopped a car at the intersection of Route 13 and Carroll Street for failing to dim its headlights while approaching traffic. After pulling over, the driver reportedly got out of the vehicle and started running, eventually jumping into the river.

    HMM WHy DID HE JUMP OUT OF THE CAR AND RUN???????????? WHY JUMP IN A RIVER IF YOU CAN'T SWIM????????? Sounds like a lot of STUPID decisions lead to his death! Not the officers or a railing!!!!!!!!!!

  18. 3:28 And why should we blame the police? Because the young man screwed up and decided to flee? That’s right blame everyone but the young man. 🙄

  19. Why do we need to place blame on anyone?
    Things happen that are just unfortunate sometimes. Blame is used as an excuse to be hateful and act out. The cowards skape goat.

  20. Your nobody till some body loves you.Your nobody till somebody cares.

  21. If any of you twits bothered to educate yourself before commenting, this is NOT his first fleeing, eluding, and driving without a license.

  22. June 5, 2019 at 8:35 PM
    And you know that how?
    Are you sure he jumped in and didnt fall?
    Were you there?

  23. Some years ago a guy named Donnie Blasko was murdered on Liberty Street.Some sort of liquid was found in his car and all over his body in his house where his body was found.No info was ever released regarding that investigation that I know of.

  24. I remember the Donnie Blasko thing. All they ever said was that it was pink stuff that was the consistency of a milk shake and had a pungent odor. The whole thing was covered up really fast.

  25. It wasn't Donnie Blasko, it was Johnny and it was on March 28, 2016. It is still unsolved.

  26. 1:56 Ae you saying you knew him and no one loved him, that is the reason he jumped,if indeed he did have a record someone I guess tried to help him in his life, but he chose not to listen and followed a life of crime, because he went into the water is his fault only, he could have stopped instead of fleeing, he could have faced the music and been arrested and possible jail time. But because he jumped into the nastiest of rivers, and their was no fence to deter him, part of the responsibility falls on him the other half on Mayor Jake for removing the fence!

  27. Is the river that deep. Are you saying the victim drowned. Was the victim shot. How does this happen. Was the victim killed and thrown in the river. It is all senseless. Do you really think the railings would have saved a life. Wow


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