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Friday, June 21, 2019

Biden Doubles Down After Reminding Everyone Democrats Owned Slaves

Joe Biden has an old Democrat problem. After relentless flip-flopping; blowing in the wind on topics from abortion, to Iraq, to immigration, to integrating schools - Biden has finally chosen a hill to die on; bragging about working with segregationist Democrat Senators, James Eastland (D-Miss.) and Herman Talmadge (D-Ga.), in order to "get things done."

Eastland served as the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee for 21 years (1957 - 1978), where he would serve on the White Citizens Council working to oppose civil rights - while Biden was elected to the Senate in 1972.

Weirdly, Biden quipped on Wednesday "[Eastland] never called me ‘boy,’ he always called me ‘son.’" - without explaining why the elder Democrat would have called the young white Senator a pejorative term used against blacks.



  1. Who has carried Biden through his career? Somebody had to. He is one gaff and misstep after another. That, or he has just stayed out of the spotlight. He just needs to walk away gracefully. He's not built for this new politics now. And the democrats should be ashamed for putting him out there and now turning on him. They deserve everything Trumps throws at them and more.

  2. Biden was wearing Blackface makeup at the time and was amazed he wasn't called "Boy".

    When he was in college he was called "Coonman" and even wore a KKK outfit on Halloween. His fellow Democrats do the same, but lie when caught.

  3. Biden was Obama's flunky. Obama needed someone to attend uneventful ceremonies that Obama couldn't be bothered with unless it involved Hollywood.


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