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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Berlin Apartment Complex Plans Pass Planning Commission In 4-3 Vote

BERLIN – A controversial apartment project is expected to move forward on Route 346 after receiving approval from the Berlin Planning Commission.

After multiple meetings and lengthy discussion, the commission voted 4-3 Wednesday to approve changes to the Purnell Crossing planned unit development (PUD). The split vote came after several citizens voiced opposition to the project.

“This is a map to destroy what Berlin is now,” Austin Circle resident Wayne Harrison said.

In March, landowner Troy Purnell and builder Justin White presented plans to modify the Purnell Crossing PUD. Instead of the previously approved mix of townhomes and assisted living space, White presented plans for a variety of rental apartment buildings. Area residents voiced countless objections, and in the months since, White and Purnell have met with concerned neighbors and tweaked their proposal.



  1. How long before Berlin becomes a suburb of West Ocean City? Will they annex Berlin?

    1. Could someone please provide the exact location of this proposed complex ?

  2. It called progress people. We can't all live in a historic fantasy land forever. The rest of us have to put up with it you should too. I don't like to look at the sprawling shit that has destroyed the shore but there is no turning back now.

    1. You've clearly mistaken progress for greed! People choose to live here on the shore to get away from ALL THE "PROGRESS"

    2. Could someone please provide the exact location of this proposed complex

  3. Just and Furious, politically weaponizing the IRS, FBI, CIA, and DOJ, and spying on an opposing party Presidential candidate! Which the press totally ignored and ignores.

    1. Wrong article for that post slick

  4. oc doesn't need an expanded ghetto to provide for!

  5. RAAD (retirees against any development) don’t care about progress needed for the younger generation just themselves.

  6. I'm surprised nobody has kicked up a fuss about the "no section 8" clause...of course, that won't last long....somebody will be butt hurt, and file a lawsuit.

  7. Ok, so nobody actually knows where this proposed appartment complex is supposed to be built


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