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Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Before bashing Trump, European leaders need a history lesson

Over the next two days, the 75th anniversary of D-Day will be marked with solemn salutes for the undaunted courage of individual soldiers and sailors and the inspired leadership that assembled the armada that liberated Europe.

President Trump will take part in ceremonies in England and then in Normandy, France, where the German bunkers, bomb craters and the vast American cemetery stand in silent testament to the great alliance that came ashore and defeated Hitler.

Indeed it was great, perhaps the greatest wartime alliance in history, but could it be done again? If, God forbid, another Hitler were carving up Europe like warm bread, would a new international force respond to storm the beaches and save civilization?


1 comment:

  1. Its clear we NEED another actual war. These kids born in the last 30 yrs have dont nothing.

    Start the draft. Get these fat A$$ loud mouth Know nothing and see if they come back different.


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