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Friday, June 21, 2019

Ban On Year-Round Campground Occupancy Questioned; Proposed Amendment Would Permit Full-Time Occupancy For Some

BERLIN – Permanent residents of White Horse Park are fighting the county’s plans to enforce the campground regulations that currently govern the community.

A group made up of full-time residents of White Horse Park is seeking approval of a text amendment that would allow 25% of the park to be inhabited year-round by residents over the age of 55. Currently, the park is classified as a campground subdivision and as such is meant to be seasonal. More than 50 of its 465 units, however, are occupied on a full-time basis and have been for years.

“Truly the county has not enforced this up until the last year-and-a-half, for whatever reason,” said Hugh Cropper, the attorney representing the homeowners. “Imagine owning a house, living in it for 20 years, and having the county come and kick you out.”

According to Ed Tudor, the county’s director of development review and permitting, both White Horse Park and Assateague Pointe were approved as campground subdivisions in the 1980s. Under the zoning code, campground subdivisions shall not be occupied “as a place of primary residence or domicile.” Between Sept. 30 and April 1, units or sites can not be occupied for more than 30 consecutive days or an aggregate of 60 days.




    1. I would avoid taxes too if I could find a loophole

  2. Apples and Oranges Hugh Cropper.

  3. I think that should be FORCED to move out and take their trailers with them.
    THEN move their trailers to public parks and set up house. Don’t have to worry about sewerage disposal, just let it go on the ground and get washed down the storm drains.
    Maryland wants so badly to be like California, LETS MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!!

  4. Yes Maryland is so much like California. I know because I lived in both States.

  5. This would create more "Trailer Trash" if it is allowed.


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