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Sunday, June 09, 2019

Baltimore mayor proposes public boxing rings to reduce violence

BALTIMORE —In a violent weekend for Baltimore City, police responded to a deadly stabbing and eight shootings. Police said 11 people were injured and two men were killed, including a 17-year-old.

City leaders are now saying it's time to try different tactics to reduce violence.

Mayor Jack Young said he's considering having people solve their issues in a boxing match.

"Gun violence has been plaguing this city for the last 10 years. The murder rate in this city and non-fatal shootings have increased. I'm not happy with it and neither should the citizens of Baltimore," Young said.

Young, along with City States Attorney Marilyn Mosby, attended a National Gun Violence Awareness Day event, connecting youth with resources, such as jobs, in an attempt to encourage them not to pick up a gun.



  1. The punks are too scared to fight man to man that's why they shoot and stab.

  2. Where do they continue to find these idiots in today's political arena? It's all fun and games until someone gets their asses whipped and publicly embarrassed then they come back and shoot everyone

  3. And here starts Death race and all of those other pay to watch hurt you or kill you stuff in the movies...

  4. I have to give you credit, at least you want to try something, even if it works or not!!!! Other people don't want to do anything about anything and just complain about how it doesn't get fixed...

  5. Not a good idea
    The thugs will just bring guns to the boxing match!

  6. This is a totally ignorant idea any form of fight can result in crime ,even public boxing. Does he think all the losers are going to go home happy and spread good cheer, everyone is going to shake hands, hug and good karma will follow? Take a good look at countries where crime is very low the jail time is very stiff in not country club prisons like ours. They do hard time like we used to have in this country inmates paved roads, did civic work to make them have a little pride. Some of these prisons made license plates, had gardens where they could feed the hungry, and did manual labor, trained dogs for the handicapped etc.

    1. They still do all those things and the majority of the federal prisons are privately owned, so profits are big with slave labor. And you have to meet share holder demands, hence the largest prison population in the world

  7. Based off the true story of "The Purge"

    *eye roll*

  8. Ah man, this is gonna be fun to watch, I hope it's all on live TV. Fists being thrown, guns blazing, complete pandemonium with liberal reporters trying to justify it all. Wow what a show that's gonna be.

  9. Telegram for mongo .

  10. I say put them in the ring with knives.

  11. getting back to the Roman days

  12. HBO for military charity.

  13. So homey gets beat up by his homey and then he uses his gun to kill the homey.

    Stupid moron! Even the white Democrats are smart than him.

  14. Anonymous said...
    I have to give you credit, at least you want to try something, even if it works or not!!!! Other people don't want to do anything about anything and just complain about how it doesn't get fixed...

    June 4, 2019 at 11:21 AM

    You must be a Democrat!

  15. You guys continue to throw insults and try to defame people over topics you know nothing about. You have groups around major cities across the US who have gone out and opened boxing gyms specifically targeting youth and encouraging them to take the battle to the ring with positive results. Nothing wrong at all with encouraging these folks to get off the street and in the gym. Sheesh and you guys have the nerve to call someone Snow Flake. LOL

  16. Gather them all together for The Long Walk. The winner becomes the Mayor of Baltimore.

  17. What? You mean settle disputes in a boxing ring, with RULES. Nah, never happen. Their goal is to KILL their gang rival, not beat them up, and then stop when they're down. How silly. This mayor is as silly as the last one was criminal.

  18. Watch The Wire on HBO. That's what you dealing with in Baltimore. The problems are institutionalized poverty and ignorance. Salisbury seems to be using their template. Stop having babies you cannot afford to feed let alone raise in a home you actually pay for.

  19. Bring back the death penalty and stop putting them in jail only to be released early to kill again.

  20. If this is done correctly it might not be a bad idea


  21. The mayor should demonstrate his idea personally, perhaps with fellow dignitaries like Cummings, Hoyer, Cardin and Van Hollen.

  22. This works very well for Main Street gym

  23. It will only incite more violence. When one gets his azz beat in the ring in public, he will be looking for revenge.

  24. @ June 10, 2019 at 9:38 AM. The hell it does.

  25. @ June 4, 2019 at 3:38 PM, Largest prison population in the world because the longer they keep prisoners there, the more they make. Hence not so many early releases as there should be.


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