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Monday, June 24, 2019

Author Star Parker Slams ‘Reparations,’ Offers Conservative Solutions

On Thursday, author and founder of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), Star Parker, spoke with The Daily Wire about reparations, which have become an increasingly hot topic among Democratic lawmakers.

Parker opposes the idea of monetary reparations, and during our interview she offered several major solutions to poverty-related issues facing low-income Americans.

DW: Reparations have become one of the hot topics among the Democrats running for president. Even several years ago, the idea of reparations wasn't really brought up in major debates. What is your opinion on the now-mainstream Democratic position that we need to formulate a plan to provide reparations?

PARKER: The reason the Democrats are talking about reparations today is because the Democrats are losing their grip on the black community. They see the same polls that everyone sees, that a third of African Americans have told pollsters for 20 years that they’re evangelical and conservative. They see the same polls that all the rest of us see, that just in very recent history, within the last year, 22% of African Americans say that they are conservatives politically. Therefore, Democrats understand that if these black conservatives start voting their values, they will lose every election.

Because right now, when you think about the ethnicities – in the Asian community, 29% poll as conservative and 29% vote Republican. The same numbers are present in the Latino community, 29% poll as conservative and 29% vote for Republicans. It’s only in the black community that 22% poll as conservative, but only 8% vote for Republicans. The Democrats recognize that the 14% could slip away overnight, so all of a sudden, reparations is the number one challenge that they are going to discuss.

Also, their playbook was determined 50 years ago and they don't move from it. They just bring it up when it’s the appropriate time to play the race card to divide America because it's a political season.



  1. This is a last ditch attempt to hold on to blacks. Candice is right. They think blacks are stupid, and buy anything that is easy. These kind of democrats are the worse racist.

  2. It'll be a "hot topic" among Dems about every four years, then totally not mentioned after the excruciatingly long presidential run up.

  3. Johnson (a Democrat) said after signing the civil rights legislation - we'll have those N-word voting Democrat for two hundred years!

    Thankfully, they're waking up!


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