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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Attorney General Frosh Asks Congress to Take Action to Protect Integrity of America’s Elections

Coalition of AGs asks for grants, security standards, and bipartisan election-security legislation to address “persistent threats to our election systems”

BALTIMORE, MD (June 18, 2019) – Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh has joined a coalition of 22 attorneys general in expressing a “significant concern regarding the persistent threats to our election systems.” The attorneys general are asking Congress to take action to protect the integrity of America’s elections.

In a letter addressed to key U.S. Senators, Attorney General Frosh and the other attorneys general ask Congress to provide additional election security grants to states and localities, support the establishment of cybersecurity and audit standards for election systems, and pass bipartisan election-security legislation. Today’s letter follows up on a similar letter that attorneys general from 21 states sent to Congress in July 2018.

“It’s highly likely that Russia will be coming after our elections again in 2020,” said Attorney General Frosh. “The Trump administration has not taken sufficient action to combat this threat to our national security. Without fair elections, there is no democracy. I urge Congress to step in to ensure that no one is able to hijack our elections ever again.”

The attorneys general cite the existence of warnings that “our election systems have been a target for foreign adversaries and that those same adversaries are currently working to undermine the upcoming elections.” Their letter follows confirmed reports that Russia successfully breached election systems in Florida, installed malware on voting-systems software used in North Carolina, and targeted the election systems of all 50 states in 2016.

In addition to Maryland, the letter to Congress was signed by the attorneys general of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington.


  1. I got it, how about voter ID. Nah that's too much like the real thing they're not serious about this stuff they're just trying to make Trump look bad.

  2. Absolutely not, at least at a national level! That's the beauty of our election system; it's kept at local and State levels while being tallied. No outside force can break in to enough individual localities to make a national difference.

    Security needs to remain in each state and in the local boards.

  3. Hypocrites, predominantly from Democratic states. They claim they want to "protect the integrity of America's elections" but at the same time want to give illegal aliens the right to vote in our elections and oppose voter ID laws. Where was their concern when tens of thousands of dead people were voting for Obama?

  4. I never realized that Hillary was "foreign".

  5. Frosh want to know what the Feds are going to do so he (frosh) can go around it and steal the election for the demonrats.

  6. Frosh and the MD legislative democrats have 'made their bed' by sueing Trump - now let him 'lay in it'. I hope gives him 0 dollars - NADA!!!

  7. Frosh what are you doing to correct the gerrymandering of the districts to benefit the Democrats. That violates the integrity of MD elections . You must have forgot or you have gotten amnesia since it was the Democrats and O'Malley, Miller and Busch who committed this crime on MD elections. Frosh needs to go since he does nothing for MD as his oath states. Frosh works for the MD tax payer not the Democrats

  8. It would be great if Hogan and Frosh would put their efforts and concerns into Maryland and quit running for federal office. They both are just using their Maryland offices as a stepping stool for national office.

  9. Since we know with certainty that the elections were interfered on , should we not try to protect the integrity of them? What is Trump doing about it?

  10. When your State has an Election Director For Life, Brian, time to pay attention to your own backyard!

  11. This election meddling is NOT a State issue ,...it is a Federal issue. Leadership starts at the top,...that would be Trump

  12. What is Trump doing 7:00 am??? I'd say voter ID would help the integrity of elections, the only interference from the last election was from the left letting the dead and illegal vote !


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