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Friday, June 07, 2019

Arguments for Abortion Mimic the Arguments for Slavery Before the Civil War

Both the arguments for slavery in the 1800s and the arguments for abortion rely on a central claim: that a human being is less than human. The dehumanization of black people relied on pseudoscientific claims that they were inferior. The dehumanization of unborn babies relies on claims that they are "just a clump of cells" or part of a woman's body. In both cases, a growing movement of moral clarity demands that the dehumanized be granted a fundamental right long denied them: freedom and life. (Note: I am not saying abortion and slavery are the same, only that the arguments for them are similar.)

Yet the dehumanization is not the only connection between the pro-slavery arguments in 1800s America and the pro-abortion arguments today. In fact, the two movements also championed a form of "choice" that focused on the will of the master and mother over the fundamental rights of the slave and unborn. They also moved away from claims that slavery and abortion are necessary evils to claims that they are a positive good. Black pro-life activists have also condemned the targeting of black women for abortion, condemning abortion as a form of genocide.

Late last month, The New York Times's Amy Harmon wrote a revealing piece about the language in the abortion debate. She summarized the arguments of "abortion rights advocates" who blamed President Bill Clinton for stigmatizing the term "abortion" in the late 1990s with the "safe, legal, and rare" formulation. "Describing abortion as needing to be rare implied incorrectly, in the eyes of advocates, that there was something inherently wrong with having an abortion," Harmon wrote.



  1. Any person who is in FAVOR of abortion and practices it, WILL also be in FAVOR of government choice about who lives and dies in the future. That is the whole point. Somebody gets to decide who lives and who dies. Abortion is the INDUCTION into the satanic principle of supplanting God.

    Society is being inducted into a satanic cult.

    Crazy is now the norm.
    Logic is tuned on its head, upside down
    War is Peace, and those who engage in War will be celebrated as heroes and be given Peace Awards
    Male is female. A basic tennant of satanism. Duality of identity. Good actually is Bad. Both Good and Bad are necessary for balance. Therefore, Good is Bad and Bad is Good. They are just different.

    Death is easy, as many movie lines are scripted.
    Americans worship death, generally.
    It is very chic to have permanent TATOOS of Death's Head, Skulls, Demonic Faces, Crosses (death instrument), so on.

  2. Plain and simple. Check history if anyone dares. Abortions were introduced as a way to control the black population. Each year we kill thousands of black children through abortion. What a shame. Can you guess which party was responsible for implementing this program?

  3. NOBODY alive today was a Slave >> Get over it !!!!!


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