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Monday, June 03, 2019

American Soil Is Being Globalized: Nearly 30 Million Acres Of US Farmland Now Owned By Foreigners

All across America, U.S. farmland is being gobbled up by foreign interests. So when we refer to “the heartland of America”, the truth is that vast stretches of that “heartland” is now owned by foreigners, and most Americans have no idea that this is happening. These days, a lot of people are warning about the “globalization” of the world economy, but in reality our own soil is rapidly being “globalized”. When farms are locally owned, the revenue that those farms take in tends to stay in local communities. But with foreign-owned farms there is no guarantee that will happen. And while there is plenty of food to go around this is not a major concern, but what happens when a food crisis erupts and these foreign-owned farms just keep sending their produce out of the country? There are some very serious national security concerns here, and they really aren’t being addressed. Instead, the amount of farmland owned by foreigners just continues to increase with each passing year.

Prior to seeing the headline to this article, how much U.S. farmland would you have guessed that foreigners now own?

Personally, I had no idea that foreigners now own nearly 30 million acres. The following comes from NPR

American soil.
Those are two words that are commonly used to stir up patriotic feelings. They are also words that can’t be be taken for granted, because today nearly 30 million acres of U.S. farmland are held by foreign investors. That number has doubled in the past two decades, which is raising alarm bells in farming communities.
How did we allow this to happen?



  1. This has to be stopped of course in times of war or conflict the USA can just take the land back

  2. WE did not allow this to happen. Look at the DEMOCRATES pocketbooks and you will see how it happened. Why do you think they are fighting so hard to keep in POWER???? New York and California want to take our country over with all of their politicians.

  3. Check with the local Dept. of Agriculture and find the number of farms
    within Maryland owned by immigrants who walk into credit agencies and banks and say,' Me can no pay anymore' and throw these properties up because Federal Subsidies have expired and the respective programs have dried up.
    These crowned heads in government deny local farmers who know the territory a chance to make business go yet give free money to novices who can't even master the English Language.
    It sickens me the President and his men try to stop ruses like this and the Democrats put the ideas forth in the light ' We owe these people this chance because humanity dictates such'.
    Get this straight,... Nobody owes anyone or thing anything and where do Congress acting pious come up with this crap? A fair days performance deserves a fair days pay and that's it.
    Don't worry when they are behind such as this there's something in it for them. A former and now retired banker.


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