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Thursday, June 27, 2019

All 2020 Senate Dems Absent for Vote to Send Humanitarian Relief to Border

All seven Democrats in the Senate running for president were absent Wednesday for a vote to send $4.6 billion in emergency humanitarian relief to the southern border to help thousands of migrant families and unaccompanied children.

Less than 24 hours after House Democrats passed a measure Tuesday night, the Republican-controlled Senate rejected it with a 55-37 vote and approved their own measure with overwhelming bipartisan support with a 84-8 vote, according to the Washington Post.
Republicans and the White House far prefer the Senate measure but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is pressing for quick negotiations to merge the bills — promising that Democrats won’t knuckle under to demands to send the Senate bill directly to President Donald Trump without changes.


  1. This should tell you all you need to know about these democrat swampers. Vote Trump, and keep winning!

  2. Just goes to show how much the liberal loons care about the "manufactured" crisis at the border. They stood on stage during the debate and wagged their heads at the atrocities yet will not accept any responsibility to do anything as it might seem to be politically incorrect. SO much mosturing, pandering, and BS.

  3. As Republicans we should all realize how important it is to keep control of the senate and win back the house. If we can do that President Trump will be able to do the many things the Democrats are fighting so hard, including building the wall. Trump, House and Senate 2020.


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