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Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Alabama lawmakers pass chemical castration bill for convicted child molesters

MONTGOMERY, Ala. —Under a bill recently passed by Alabama lawmakers, a court would order chemical castration for someone convicted of a sex crime against a child under the age of 13.

State Rep. Steve Hurst introduced the bill. If signed by Gov. Kay Ivey, it would require that child sex offenders ages 21 and over be chemically castrated before leaving prison.

"They have marked this child for life and the punishment should fit the crime," Hurst said, WIAT-TVreported, adding that he hopes it will make predators think twice.

According to the legislation, the Alabama Department of Public Health would give medication that reduces or blocks testosterone production.

State Rep. Juandalynn Givan said the proposed legislation is far-reaching.



  1. Needs to be used on all of the Congressmen that paid out taxpayers money to silence their victims of sexual assault.

  2. How do you chemically castrate a guy? Wouldn't it be easier with a scalpel. It's not reversible that way. And I can think of lot's of people who would do it for free!

  3. Damn I love Alabama these days!!

  4. Finely some common sense

  5. I agree with this but it will never happen. Courts will say it’s cruel.

  6. 11:23
    You might be right, however this is Alabama. If anyone can get this passed it is them.

  7. Surgical CAstration would make a much more powerful statement!
    Film the procedure and show it in prison!
    Eye for an eye !

  8. 12:38 Damn straight. And let a female doctor do it for more impact, or a veterinarian. Same procedure that you do to your dog to keep him from humping your leg.
    Maybe that will send a better message!
    From what I hear, you can NOT reform a pedophile or a rapist. Stop trying to reform them. 'Fix' them now!!!!!!

  9. It should not be called castration. Nothing is removed and they are not sterile afterwards.

  10. Castration does nothing to prevent sexual abuse--a castrated man can still molest with his hands, objects etc. The ONLY way to prevent sexual assault is to KEEP THEM LOCKED UP...or the much cheaper and permanent alternative...


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