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Thursday, June 27, 2019

A year later, Trump administration's travel ban is still separating families

A Rockville teacher is pleading for the State Department to grant a waiver and let her reunite with her Iranian husband in the U.S.

WASHINGTON — Separated families are pleading for help as the United States marks the first anniversary of the Trump Administration travel ban.

It was a year ago that a divided Supreme Court upheld a ban on immigrants and visitors from North Korea, Venezuela -- and five predominantly Muslim countries.

It's divided parents, children, husbands and wives.

The ban hit a local teacher especially hard.

"Hi. My name is Jessica Monfared," the Rockville high school teacher said on a video on In-It.com. "I married my Iranian husband this past March."

The couple has no idea if they'll get to live together in the U.S. as husband and wife.



  1. no problem go live with him to be together see how you like it there

  2. If the background checks are in order, he'll get here. These things move slowly.

  3. He's lucky. Sparing him a life of honeydos, or alimony and child support. Winning!

  4. If you don’t like being separated, go to Iran.

  5. Married no longer equal GREEN CARD! Get over it! Obviously you didn't marry him in the US so why do you feel that he is ENTITLTED to live here?

  6. Go back to your own country. We owe you nothing. Seems like a personal choice or he would be with you in Iran.

  7. Boo hoo...my heart bleeds for you...NOT

  8. Northwest Woodsman: Again, great comments and I agree whole heartedly. She created this situation and if she wants to solve it, relocate to Iran. Problem solved.


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