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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

A viewer Writes........Jake Day

Rumor has it, "Jake Day is going to run in the next governor's race as Lieutenant Governor. If the people re-elect Day as mayor, he will only hold office for 2 years as mayor. I guess his plans will be awash in his wake when he splits for a higher office. He's a true politician. He cares more about his party, and of course himself, than the people he represents. He's just another hack politician. I am voting for KING."
Check out his site. www.wkformayor.com


  1. He is a lib POS HACK.

  2. You local idiots footed the bill for this with the Salisbury and national festival and marathon. He literally used your tax dollars to try to buy popularity!! As far as Lt governor hhhhhhhaaaaaaaa what s joke. He'd fit right in though with his ability to jump on the drunken bandwagon

  3. Jake Day is a say anything do nothing POS.

    He is fake as they come. His ego is out of this world. And he generally just wants to further his career.

    He is a complete dipstick.

    As for Wayne King, I don't know "him". That said, if he is going to focus on the right things I might as well vote for him. The alternative is Jake do nothing of substance Day.

  4. I guess that is why he is refusing to make any changes in the various departments. He will just allow the same old to continue for two years and then throw in the towel and walk away.

  5. Not sure why we are spending so much money on unnecessary projects downtown - like the food truck court - when roads are crumbling. Take a drive down fitzwater street for example.

  6. 12;04 you have no clue he ran unopposed he wasn't voted for their simply was no one else he was the only candidate do you get it yet. Quit blaming the citizens of Salisbury we did not want him nor do we still want him, he will never win any more elections for anything. He is a child and has no clue how to run a city let alone be a Lieutenant Governor. We can't wait for his time to end and I pray anyone runs and we definitely will be voting KING.

    1. @2:17 you come up with the same lame ass responses!! You literally DID let it happen because as you stated no one stepped up and ran against him!! Then to top it off you just let him run wild with your city tax revenue paying for festivals and marathons and community centers that don't get used. Why haven't you gone to council meetings and challenged this idiot on his wreckless spending. Why haven't you petitioned the city for an audit on all this garbage he's wasting your money on? If I were a city resident I would do it for you. He's making his buddies millionaires off ridiculous unnecessary construction and you just sit back and take it in the ass. My concern is when the idiot gets his cronies in the county executive position and has access to it ALL. Folks I hate to tell you but this nonsense is just in phase one

  7. First of all he can't run for Lt. Governor. In Delaware you can, not in Maryland. He has to hope the candidate from his party chooses him to run (not sure why they would). That being said, wake up Salisbury, it is time to take back your town! The mayor has too much power. You need a City Manager form of government with checks and balances. You can make this happen. Get rid of this corruption!!

    1. Exactly right 2:38
      boy day must find a candidate willing to offer him a position to run for Lt Gov

  8. Time is running out for changes to be made 12:54. If he loses this Mayor election that will cut him off at the knees and he will never be selected as Lt. Governor. It's up to you voters to make a change. He refuses too.

  9. @2:17 it seems as though you're the one clueless. Why didn't you get off your ass and run again? No one opposing him is the same as just letting him have his way

  10. I guess when you can't make it in the private sector this is what you do! He's definitely used the city of Salisbury and it's resources for his personal gain. He has jumped on the tail coat of the governor's office and implanted whatever idiotic idea they propose in Annapolis and nationally. He's gone all in with the welfare entitlement progressive curriculum. All I can say is if you can get out of Maryland run as fast as you can people.

  11. I am 2;17 and I never ran for the office of Mayor as I'm not qualified .I did everything as a citizen of Salisbury to get someone with the ability to run but because of the service record he was proclaiming people bought he would be a good candidate. I tried to get Joe Albero all the time on this blog to run and I believe whole heartedly he would have won, and still believe he could win. At least we have another candidate now and I will vote for King and wish everyone would get behind him. We need a debate where everyone can see the clear cut differences in candidates. At least I can say I have voted since the age of 18 in every local and presidential election, and will continue to do so, can everyone out there say the same. The organizations I have been in we have had the candidates speak, to make things clear.


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