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Thursday, May 30, 2019

What is period poverty?

The average woman spends 2,535 days of her life menstruating. She has no choice in the matter — it is simply biology. So, regardless of her financial or social situation, she must purchase or otherwise obtain access to enough pads, tampons or menstrual cups to bleed for nearly seven years of her life.

For many, periods are simply an inconvenience, perhaps accompanied by a slew of uncomfortable symptoms like PMS, bloating and cramps. But for millions of other girls and women in the United States, however, the situation is much more severe.

American women are 38% more likely to live in poverty than men. And if you only have $5 in your pocket when your period arrives, you may have to choose between buying tampons and eating — or worse, between buying tampons and feeding your kids.

"The average mother will put food on that table for their children with the last five in your pocket and she will find other ways to get the other necessities that she needs," said Nicole Johnson, who went into a New York City shelter with her four children in 2005. "I've seen and I've heard mothers do all types of things… going out onto the streets with their babies, in and out of trucks. What's to say you're gonna come back? What's to say your child is gonna come back?"



  1. It makes sense but unfortunately women will by the product then resell it for cash and then still be in need for supplies that time of the month. A vicious cycle for sure.

  2. Look 1:04 just because that's the first place your mind goes does not mean everyone thinks that way

  3. Your mind immediately goes to how they can scam? Sounds like you're a scammer 104

  4. So half the population requires a personal hygiene product monthly? So what? I need toilet paper every day. Who's going to help me pay for that? I have to choose whether to wipe my ass, or buy a burger at McDonald's. So what? How about people that are incontinent? This is just gender pandering. "Treat them as equals" That's the mantra, right? Why all the special considerations then? I say they shouldn't have it both ways. Quit asking for special treatment for their womanhood, or quit asking for equality. They want insurance to pay for their birth control, but nobody pays for our condoms. What a bunch of gender biased hypocrites.

    1. Simple 3:12 Use McDonalds bathroom then buy a burger

  5. Don't hand out tampons hand out birth control. Nip two bloody messes in the bud.

  6. What did women do before commercial products?

  7. Never trust something that can bleed for 7 days and live!
    Palosi, Hillary, Maxine, Ruth, Shummer, Rosie, ect.

    1. Hillary has been PMSing for 2.5 years

  8. the numbers are wrong, if she had kids then she spent less days menstruating. total bs feel good throw money at some lazy worthless pos who can't get off her ass and function leftwing snowflake.
    Women been having periods since the dawn of time and they are still here!
    How about the female animals? who's gonna help them?


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