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Monday, May 13, 2019

VP Pence tells Christian students to resist 'secular left'

Vice President Mike Pence on Saturday elevated President Trump as a defender of religious freedom and told Liberty University graduates to muscle through criticism from the “secular left” as they live out their Christian faith, saying they’ll “be blessed” for it.

Speaking to a friendly commencement crowd in Lynchburg, Virginia, Mr. Pence criticized the Obama administration for forcing nuns who care for the elderly to fight birth-control rules in court. And he slammed the “bevy of Hollywood liberals” who’ve promised to boycott Georgia as the state passes strict pro-life legislation.

He got personal, too, pointing to those who criticized his wife, Karen, for returning to teach at a Christian elementary school that’s been criticized for its stance on homosexuality.



  1. Good for our Vice President and more messages need to be delivered like the one he did.

  2. So, who is the "secular left", specifically? Most Americans identify as Christian, and most democrats do as well... so, I don't understand the label...

    What about the "secular right"? Who are they?

    Does Pence even know what "secular" means? Our Government is secular, we are a Secular Republic. Our Constitution is a secular document...

    Seems like an odd angle... I wonder why?


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