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Monday, May 06, 2019

Vanity Fair: Hunter Biden’s $1.5 Billion Bank of China Deal ‘Looming on the Horizon’ as Campaign Scandal

A $1.5 billion sweetheart deal Hunter Biden’s private equity firm secured from the state-owned Bank of China is “looming on the horizon” as a potential line of attack against his father’s 2020 presidential campaign, according to Vanity Fair’s Tina Nguyen.

This comes days after a New York Times article renewed interest in the revelations exposed in Peter Schweizer’s 2018 bestseller Secret Empires concerning the sweetheart deals Hunter Biden’s private equity firm secured while his father, Joe Biden, was vice president.

But the Times’ article “may be just the first volley in what is likely to become a broader war over Joe Biden’s conduct and record,” Vanity Fair’s Nguyen writes:



  1. Mind as well use it, they will use anything they can in their 2 or 3 forums where they bash people and tell you more lies that you will believe, and then get duped as you always have and then here comes the complainers... wha wha wha... Wash, rinse, repeat...

  2. The Dems will run this totally compromised person against the Repubs’ totally compromised person. Either way a compromised (easily controlled person) will be POTUS.


  3. Don't forget this guy was sleeping with his dying brothers wife! Lots of great morals in that family!

  4. May he come out the bafoon he is, dumped his own wife for his deceased brother's wife real class-just like Dad Joe.


  5. Well if the cost of Slow Joe's cosmetic updates weren't covered by his Obamacare then his son could help the aged retiree out. Apple, tree.


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