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Friday, May 03, 2019

University Students Call Bernie Sanders a Hypocrite for Being a Millionaire

Students at the University of New Hampshire were quick to condemn Senator Bernie Sanders for his million dollar net worth.

In April, Senator Bernie Sanders announced that sales from his recent book made him a millionaire. Sanders’s net worth has been criticized as he has launched his 2020 campaign for the presidency.

Now, even college students are criticizing Sanders. Students at the University of New Hampshire spoke with Campus Reform about Senator Sanders’s wealth.

“You have a ton of extra money that you could be shoveling out, but you’re gonna take it away from people who might actually need it?” one student said.

“I think it is very hypocritical,” another student added.



  1. About time University students come out of their coma!

  2. Ha! Ole Bernie's gettin' called out. About time.

  3. Like President Trump said. Democrats are trying to get Bernie out of the way to make room for Biden. Well those are not his exact words - 😂


  4. Bernie has Milorganite where brains should be but on this point he's correct and the student snowflakes have missed the point.

    He with/without a co-writer wrote a book and apparently actual people have been buying it in large enough quantities that he's made a couple of bucks. That is the capitalist, American approach; granted that may be lost on him.

    The demographics of the students and their parents at Eastern liberal colleges are very similar to Bernie's new found affluence. They need only look into a mirror to find a hypocrite to decry.

  5. Bernie made over a million dollars on book sales. People bought the books and gave him that money, who was it ?? The same one's that think he should share his wealth ???


  7. This might be the key for young people to see what socialism is all about-- how the 'leaders' are the only ones who prosper.

  8. These kids are dumb as rocks. They bash millionaires but all want to be one. BRILLIANT.


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